ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nazi Germany paramilitary ranks

Imagine you're playing a game with your friends where you all have special jobs to do. In Nazi Germany, there was a group of special friends who had jobs to help the leader, Adolf Hitler. This group was called the paramilitary.

Just like in your game, the paramilitary group had ranks to show who had the most important jobs. The highest rank was called the Oberstgruppenführer, which is a fancy German word for "Supreme Group Leader". This person was like the boss of the entire paramilitary group.

Next, there were the Gruppenführers, which means "Group Leaders". There were several of these people, and they each had a big job to do within the group.

Then there were the Standartenführers, which means "Banner Leaders". These people were kind of like captains of smaller groups within the larger paramilitary group. They were in charge of making sure everyone in their group was doing their jobs well.

Under the Standartenführers, there were the Untersturmführers, which is a really long German word for "Junior Assault Leaders". These people were the leaders of small teams within the Standartenführer's group.

Finally, there were the Stormtroopers or Sturmabteilung (SA) members who fought on the front lines to support Hitler's control. They had a different set of ranks, but they were still part of the paramilitary group and did important work to help Hitler.