ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Near sound data transfer

Near sound data transfer is like whispering a secret to your friend without anyone else hearing. Imagine you and your friend are playing a game, but you don't want anyone else to know your plan. So, you lean in close and whisper your plan in your friend's ear. Your friend hears it clearly, but no one else can hear because you whispered quietly.

Similarly, near sound data transfer is a way of sending information between devices using sound waves. Just like whispering, this method uses inaudible sounds (sounds that we can't hear). These inaudible sounds are called ultrasound. Devices can send data to each other using these sound waves, which are transmitted through the air.

Since ultrasound waves are inaudible to humans, it's like having a secret language that only devices can understand. This means that two devices can communicate with each other without anyone else knowing what they're saying.

Overall, near sound data transfer is like having a secret conversation between two devices that nobody else can hear. It's a useful way for devices to send information without the need for cables or Wi-Fi.
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