ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Negligible function

Hey there, have you ever heard the word 'negligible'? It means 'not important', so when we say 'negligible function', we're actually talking about a function that is not important or significant for the task at hand.

Let me explain it to you with an example. Imagine you have to boil an egg. Now, to make an egg, you don't need to know how many birds exist in the world, right? That information is not important for your task. Similarly, in some mathematical equations, some parts of the equation might not be important for the problem you're trying to solve, and those parts are called negligible functions.

For instance, in a polynomial equation like x^3 + 4x^2 + 7x + 2, the x^2 and x terms might be negligible functions if we're only interested in finding the value of x^3. That's because their contribution to the result is very small and can be ignored.

So, to sum it up, a negligible function is a part of an equation that is not important or significant for the task at hand, and can be ignored without affecting the overall result.