ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nehemiah 3

Nehemiah 3 is a chapter in the Bible that talks about a man named Nehemiah who was rebuilding a big wall because it was broken down and needed to be fixed. The wall was meant to protect a city called Jerusalem.

In this chapter, Nehemiah organized a lot of people to help him fix the wall. He divided the people into groups and gave each group a section of the wall to work on.

Each group had different people who were responsible for different sections of the wall. For example, one group was made up of people who lived in a place called Jericho, and they worked together to fix a section of the wall near their home.

Nehemiah made sure that everyone worked together and that they all did their parts to fix the wall. He even encouraged some of the leaders of the city to help out with the work, which was important because it showed that everyone was working together as a team.

Even though fixing the wall was a big job, everyone worked hard and was determined to get it done. And with everyone's help, they were able to rebuild the wall so that the city of Jerusalem was safe again.
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