ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neighbourhood action group

A neighbourhood action group is like the clubhouse in your backyard, where you and your friends come together and decide on what games to play, what snacks to eat, and how to make the place better.

But instead of a backyard clubhouse, the neighbourhood action group is a group of grown-ups who live in the same neighbourhood and work together to improve the place they call home. They come up with ideas and plans to make the neighbourhood safer, cleaner, and more fun for everyone who lives there.

For example, they might organize a community clean-up day where everyone comes together to pick up trash and make the streets look nicer. They might plan special events like a neighbourhood block party or a fun run to bring people together and build a sense of community. And they might work with local leaders and businesses to make sure that the neighbourhood has things like playgrounds, parks, and good schools.

Just like your backyard clubhouse, the neighbourhood action group is a place where people come together to make their community a better place to live.