ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neolog Judaism

Neolog Judaism is a type of Jewish religious practice that started in the 19th century. It is a modern approach to traditional Jewish customs and beliefs.

Think of it like a new kind of playground game that kids come up with. They tweak the rules a little bit to make it more fun and interesting, but they still stick to the basic idea of how the game is played.

In Neolog Judaism, people still follow the basic rules and beliefs of the Jewish religion, but they also make some changes to make it fit better with modern society. For example, they might use more modern language in their prayers, or they might allow women to participate in certain rituals that were traditionally only done by men.

So, Neolog Judaism is kind of like a modern twist on an old game - it takes the basics of traditional Judaism, but adds some new ideas to make it more relevant to today's world.