Neon Genesis Evangelion, also known as NGE, is a Japanese anime TV show that tells the story of a boy named Shinji Ikari who is asked to pilot a giant robot called an Evangelion to protect Earth from threats known as Angels. The show is set in a world that has suffered a catastrophic event called the Second Impact which left the planet in chaos and vulnerable to attack.
Shinji Ikari is the son of Gendo Ikari, the leader of an organization called NERV, which is responsible for developing the Evangelions. Shinji's father is distant and cold towards him, and this causes Shinji to feel unloved and unwanted. Despite his reluctance, Shinji agrees to pilot the Evangelion because he wants to feel useful and wanted.
As the story progresses, Shinji meets other pilots named Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu. Each of them pilots their own Evangelion and works together to protect the Earth from the Angels. Along with NERV's staff, including Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and Misato Katsuragi, the group tries to unravel the mystery behind the Angels, the Evangelions, and the meaning behind the organization's ultimate mission.
However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the battles against the Angels are not the only battles that the characters will face. They must also confront their own inner demons and deal with the trauma and emotional scars left by the catastrophic event from their past. The show explores heavy themes such as depression, anxiety, and the search for identity and meaning in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty.
Neon Genesis Evangelion is a complex and deeply philosophical show that requires viewers to pay close attention to the details and symbolism throughout the series. The show has gained a massive following worldwide and has been praised for its incredible character development, intricate plot, and thought-provoking themes.