ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so a nephelometer is a special machine that can help us measure how much stuff is floating around in the air.

You know when you see dust or little bits of things floating in a sunbeam in your room? That's kind of what a nephelometer can measure, but for things we can't see with our eyes, like pollution or tiny particles from smoke or fires.

The way it works is by shining a light through the air and then measuring how much of that light is scattered, or deflected, by the stuff in the air. The more stuff that's in the air, the more the light gets scattered and the stronger the measurements the nephelometer can make.

Scientists use nephelometers to monitor air quality and help determine if there are high levels of pollution or other harmful particles in the air. They can also use it to study how air pollution affects our environment and our health.

So, that's a nephelometer in a nutshell, pretty cool machine huh?
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