ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ISO 7027

Ok kiddo, so you know how sometimes we want to see how clear or muddy a stream or river is? Iso 7027 is like a test we can use to see how clear or muddy that water is.

We take a little bit of that water and shine a light through it. We then use a special tool called a turbidimeter to measure how much that light gets scattered or bent around by all the little particles or dirt in the water. The more dirt or particles there are, the more the light will get scattered or bent, and the less clear the water will be.

Iso 7027 is like a set of rules for how we do this test, so that everyone can do it the same way and get the same results. It tells us things like how fast we should pour the water into the turbidimeter, how long we should wait before taking a reading, and how to compare our results to a standard scale.

So there you have it, iso 7027 is like a test we can use to see how clear or muddy water is, and it helps us do the test the same way every time so we can compare results.