ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nervous breakdown

Okay kiddo, sometimes when people go through a lot of stress or difficult things in their life, their emotions can get really overwhelming and they might start feeling very exhausted or even like they can't handle anything anymore.

This is what we call a "nervous breakdown." It's sort of like your brain taking a break because it's had too much to deal with.

When someone has a nervous breakdown, they might feel sad, anxious, or even angry all the time. They might have trouble sleeping or thinking clearly, and everyday tasks might feel too difficult to handle.

It's important to know that having a breakdown doesn't mean someone is weak or crazy. It's just a sign that they need some extra help and support to feel better. They might need to take a break from work or school or talk to a therapist to work through their feelings.

With time and help from others, most people can recover from a nervous breakdown and start feeling like themselves again.