ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Network News Transfer Protocol

Okay kiddo, let's imagine you want to share a cool story with your friends. You could run to each of their houses and tell them the story, or you could write it down and ask your parents to help you mail copies to everyone. This would take a lot of time and effort, right?

Well, computers have their own way of sharing stories and they use something called "network news transfer protocol" to do it. This protocol helps computers send and receive messages, kind of like mailing letters to each other but much faster and way more efficient.

When someone wants to share a message, they use a special program called a "newsreader" to write the message and send it to a computer called a "news server". The news server then shares the message with other computers that are connected to it, and these computers can then share the message with even more computers, kind of like a big game of telephone.

This system helps people stay informed about what's happening in the world and can be used for things like sharing news articles, discussing topics online, and even sending private messages.

So, in summary, network news transfer protocol is like a fast and efficient way for computers to send and receive messages, kind of like mailing letters but much more high-tech.