ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neue Wache

Neue Wache is a building in Germany that is very important because it is a memorial. A memorial is a special place that people go to remember something or someone who is very important to them. In this case, Neue Wache is a memorial for soldiers and victims of war.

The building is located in a city called Berlin and it was built a long time ago in the year 1816. Inside, there is a very special statue that is called "Mother with her Dead Son". This statue is very important because it helps people remember the pain and suffering that comes with war.

Many people come to Neue Wache to pay their respects to those who have lost their lives in war. When people come inside, they need to be quiet and respectful because it is a serious place. Even though it is sad to think about war, it is important that we remember the people who gave their lives to protect others. That's why Neue Wache is so important.