ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neuroterus saltatorius

Neuroterus saltatorius is a type of tiny insect, also known as a gall wasp. Now, let's talk about what a gall is before we understand what this wasp does!

Imagine a tree, and on one of its leaves, there is a little house. This house is called a gall, and it is made by these gall wasps. Now you might wonder, why would these wasps build a house on a leaf? Well, they do it to protect themselves and to provide food for their babies.

Here's how it works: When the wasp wants to make a home, it lays an egg on the leaf. But it also releases some special stuff into the leaf that changes how the plant grows. This special stuff is like magic that tells the plant to make a special house, called a gall, around the egg. The gall is made of special plant cells that grow, forming a bump on the leaf. Inside this bump, the baby wasp will have a cozy and safe place to live!

Now, let's get back to Neuroterus saltatorius. This particular gall wasp has a very interesting way of making galls. Instead of just making one gall, it makes many little galls on the same leaf. These galls look like small balls or round bumps. They are green at first but turn brown as they get older.

But it's not just the appearance of these galls that makes Neuroterus saltatorius special. The way they jump is what really makes them stand out! Once the galls are ready, the tiny wasps inside start to move around and vibrate. This movement makes the gall jump into the air, kind of like a frog jumps! It can be really surprising and fun to watch!

So why do these galls jump? Well, the galls have finished serving their purpose by protecting the baby wasps while they grew up. Now, these baby wasps want to leave and explore the world! So they move around inside the gall and make it jump off the leaf. When the gall lands on the ground, the baby wasps can come out and fly away to find their own galls to make.

In summary, Neuroterus saltatorius is a special type of tiny insect called a gall wasp that makes lots of small galls on a leaf. These galls are bumpy houses that protect the baby wasps. When the baby wasps are ready to leave, they make the gall jump off the leaf, giving them a chance to explore the world and find new places to build their own galls!