ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neutral current

Neutral current is like the traffic flowing through the middle of the road. Just like how cars move in two directions on the road, electric current can also move in two directions in a wire.

But sometimes, the current can only flow in one direction because of the way a circuit is set up. When this happens, the neutral current comes into play. It's like a special lane in the middle of the road that only allows traffic to move in one direction.

In electrical terms, neutral current is the flow of electricity that happens when the electrical circuit is not perfectly balanced. In other words, when the amount of electricity going into a circuit is not equal to the amount of electricity going out of the circuit, neutral current helps bring balance to the system.

Think of it like a see-saw: if one end has a heavier weight than the other, the see-saw won't be level. In order to balance it out, someone might need to add some weight to the other side. Neutral current does something similar for electrical circuits.

So, in summary, neutral current is like a special lane in the middle of the road that helps balance out the flow of electricity in a circuit.