ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Neville's schema

Neville's schema is like a big plan or blueprint that helps us understand how things work in our world. Think of it like the instructions for building a cool Lego set! Neville's schema helps us understand how different parts of our world fit together and how they work together to make everything work smoothly.

Just like how different Lego pieces fit together, the different parts of Neville's schema fit together to help us understand things like language, learning, memory, and even our emotions. It's like a big puzzle where all the pieces connect to give us a full picture of how things work!

By using Neville's schema, we can better understand how our brains work and how we can learn new things, remember important information, and even manage our emotions. It's like having a map that helps us navigate our way through the world and discover new things along the way!