ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Apostolic Reformation

The New Apostolic Reformation is a group of Christians who believe that they have been chosen by God to lead a movement to bring about spiritual and societal transformation. They believe that God has given them special gifts and powers, including the ability to perform healing miracles, prophesy, and speak in tongues.

Think of it like a group of superheroes who have special abilities and powers to fight evil in the world.

The leaders of this movement are known as apostles and prophets, and they believe that it is their responsibility to establish God's kingdom on earth. They believe that they are part of a new and more powerful army of believers who are working to usher in the end times and bring about the second coming of Jesus.

In order to achieve their goals, the New Apostolic Reformation encourages its followers to be very active in their faith, and to use their gifts and abilities to spread the Gospel and bring about change in their communities. They often hold large, charismatic gatherings called "revivals" where people come together to worship and receive teachings from their apostolic leaders.

Overall, the New Apostolic Reformation is a group of Christians who believe that they have a special calling from God to lead a spiritual revolution, and they are passionate about seeing that vision become a reality.