ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem is a special and imaginary place described in the Bible as a city that will be created by God in the future. It is said to be a really beautiful and special place, with streets made of gold and gates made of gemstones. The city will be huge, with 12 walls and 12 gates, each named after one of the 12 sons of Jacob in the Bible.

People believe that New Jerusalem will be a place where people can go to be with God and live forever in peace and happiness. It's like a magical city that God will create for his people who believe in him and follow his teachings.

Some people believe that New Jerusalem will be a physical place on earth, while others believe it will be a spiritual place in heaven. Regardless of where it is, it is seen as a symbol of hope and promise for those who believe in God and trust in his plan for the world.