ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New York (state)

New York is a big place where lots of people live. It's in the northeast part of the United States. Imagine it like a really big playground where you can do lots of fun things like go to the park, play with your friends, and eat yummy foods.

New York has many different parts to it, like cities and countryside areas. Some of the big cities in New York are New York City (which is where the Statue of Liberty is!) and Buffalo.

In New York, it can get very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. This is because it's located in a place where the weather changes a lot throughout the year. So, in the winter you need to wear warm clothes like a hat, gloves, and a coat and in the summer you can wear shorts and t-shirts because it's so hot outside!

People in New York like to do lots of things like go to Broadway shows, eat pizza and hot dogs, and watch sports games like football and basketball. They also celebrate holidays like Halloween and Christmas with decorations and fun activities.

Overall, New York is a big and exciting place where lots of people live and have fun!