ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

New evangelization

New Evangelization is all about spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to people who haven't heard it or don't believe it anymore. It's like telling your friend about your favorite toy or food because you want them to experience it too. But in this case, we are telling people about God and his love for us.

The idea of new Evangelization came up because sometimes people forget about God and don't follow his teachings anymore. But just like how your parents remind you to do your homework, go to bed on time, or be kind to others, the Church wants to remind people about God and how important it is to have a relationship with him.

We use different ways to share this message, like talking to people, writing books, making videos, using social media, and other tools. It may seem difficult at first, but sharing this message can change people's lives and bring them closer to God.

In summary, new Evangelization means spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to people who may have forgotten about it or haven't heard about it yet, using different ways to share the message, and reminding people how important it is to have a relationship with God.