ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Next glacial maximum

Hey there kiddo! Do you know what a glacial maximum is? It's basically the coldest period of an ice age when big chunks of ice, called glaciers, cover a lot of the Earth's surface.

Now, scientists have been studying the Earth for a very long time, and they have found out that there is a natural cycle of ice ages. That means that Earth gets really cold for a while, and then it gets warmer, and then it gets cold again.

Right now, we are in a warm period, called an interglacial period, and we have been for a few thousand years. But scientists say that one day, maybe in tens of thousands of years, the Earth will start to get colder again, and we'll enter into another ice age.

This next ice age is something scientists call the next glacial maximum. It's kinda like a really, really cold winter that lasts for hundreds or thousands of years! During this time, big chunks of ice will start to form all over the world, and they may cover whole cities or even countries.

But don't worry too much, kiddo. The next glacial maximum isn't going to happen for a long time, and we won't be around to see it happen. In the meantime, we can try to reduce our carbon emissions and take care of our planet so that it stays healthy for future generations.