ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


👶 "Nftables" is kind of like special stickers that help keep bad things away from your toys. Let me explain how it works!

You know that when you have lots of toys, you want to keep them organized and safe. You have a toy box and a shelf to keep everything in place, right? Well, imagine your toys as different computer programs and the toy box as your computer.

Sometimes, bad programs or "packets" can try to get into your toy box and mess with your toys. But, don't worry! Nftables can help protect your toys by keeping out the bad packets from entering your computer.

Nftables have a set of rules that tell your computer what to do when a packet tries to come in. It looks at each packet and decides if it's a good one (like a friend who wants to play with your toys) or a bad one (like someone who wants to break your toys).

Let me give you an example: If you have a friend named Alice who you want to play with your toys, you can put a sticker on her hand so that she can come into your room and play. But, if a stranger named Bob tries to come in, there's no sticker on his hand, so you know he shouldn't be allowed in.

In the same way, nftables have rules that check the packets coming to your computer. It checks if the packet has a specific sticker or information that says it's allowed to come in and play with your computer "toys". If it doesn't have the right sticker or information, nftables won't let it in.

But nftables can also do more than just checking stickers! It can do other things too, like telling certain packets to go to different places. For example, if a packet is for a computer game, nftables can send it to your computer game area. And if it's for a video, nftables can send it to your video player area.

So, nftables helps keep your computer safe by deciding who can come in and play with your programs (toys) based on the rules and stickers. It's like having your own toy police to protect your computer from bad programs.