ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Niagara Scow

So there is this boat called a Niagara scow, which is shaped like a big square box with walls around it. It's named after the Niagara River where it was often used to transport goods from one place to another.

One day, long ago, there were two men who were driving the scow with a rope tied to it. Suddenly, the rope broke and they couldn't control the boat anymore. It started floating downstream towards the edge of a big waterfall called Niagara Falls, which is very dangerous because the water falls a long way down and can cause big damage.

The two men tried everything they could to stop the boat before it went over the edge. They even tried using a big hook to try and slow it down. But nothing worked. Just when things looked really bad, the scow got stuck on some rocks, just before the edge of the waterfall.

Some brave people came to rescue the two men, and they managed to get them off the scow safely. But the scow was stuck on the rocks for a long time, and became a big tourist attraction, with lots of people going to see it and take pictures.

In the end, the scow broke apart and fell over the waterfall, but by then it had become a famous part of Niagara history, and people still talk about it today.