ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Nichirenism is a way of thinking and practicing religion that started with a man named Nichiren. Basically, he believed that the best way to worship the Buddha was by chanting a certain phrase over and over again. This phrase is called the "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

Now, this might sound a little strange, but the idea is that when you chant this phrase, it helps you connect with the spirit of the Buddha and get closer to enlightenment. It's kind of like doing a magic spell, but instead of trying to make something happen, you're trying to become a better person.

Nichirenism also includes some other beliefs and practices, like studying Buddhist texts and trying to be a good person. It's all about making yourself and the world a better place by following the teachings of the Buddha.

Overall, Nichirenism is a religion that focuses on chanting and trying to be a good person. It might seem a little different from what you're used to, but it's all about finding inner peace and becoming a better person.