ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Night hag

Okay kiddo, have you ever had a bad dream where a scary monster was chasing you? Well, in some stories and legends, there is a type of monster called a night hag.

Now, a night hag is a creature that is said to come to people at night when they are sleeping. It's like a really spooky bedtime visitor. They are usually described as being very old and ugly, and often have wings and long claws like a bird. Some people even say they have glowing eyes!

The most important thing to know about a night hag is that they are known for sitting on people's chests while they are sleeping. This can make it hard for the person to breathe and can feel very scary! Some people say they even feel like they're being suffocated.

But the scariest thing about a night hag is that they are said to feed on people's fear and negative energy. So the more scared you are, the stronger they become!

But don't worry too much, kiddo. Night hags are just stories to scare people. They aren't real monsters that come to visit people in their sleep. So if you ever have a bad dream about a night hag, just remember that it's just your imagination and they can't hurt you. Sweet dreams!
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