ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Night vision

Night vision is when you can see things in the dark like a superhero! Here's how it works:
Your eyes have rods and cones that help you see. During the day, the cones help you see colors and fine details. But at night, your cones are not enough to see properly. That's when the rods come into play - they help you see better in the dark.
But how do they do it?
When it's dark, there's not much light around for your eyes to see. But the rods in your eyes are very sensitive to even the tiniest amount of light. They can pick up even just a few photons of light!
Then, these photons of light hit the rods in your eyes, and the rods send a message to your brain to put together as a picture. But since there's not much light, the picture won't be as clear as in the day.
That's where night vision technology comes in. Some special devices, like night vision goggles, have special sensors that can pick up even tiny amounts of light and amplify it. This helps us see better in the dark.
So, even if it's pitch black outside, night vision technology can help us see like it's daytime!