ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Thermographic camera

A thermographic camera is a special camera that can "see" heat. You know how when you touch something hot, like a stove, it feels warm? That's because it's giving off heat. Well, a thermographic camera can pick up on that heat and turn it into a picture that we can see on a screen.

The camera is able to do this using something called infrared technology. Now, you can't see infrared light with your eyes, but the camera can. It picks up on the heat energy being given off by an object or a person and uses it to create an image.

If you look at a person through a thermographic camera, their body will appear different colors depending on how much heat they are giving off. The warmer parts will be red or orange, and the cooler parts will be blue or green. This can help us see things that we couldn't see before, like if someone has a fever or if there's a fire starting somewhere.

So, in short, a thermographic camera is a camera that can see heat and use it to make a picture that helps us see things that we can't see with our eyes alone.