ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Night-vision device

Night-vision devices are tools that help people see better in the dark. They work by using special technology that can capture even the faintest light in darkness and then make it brighter and clearer for our eyes to see.

Think of it like a magic wand that turns pitch black darkness into a bright day-like situation.

Night-vision devices can come in different shapes and sizes like goggles, binoculars or even cameras. They use special lenses, sensors and screens to capture and interpret the available light in the surrounding area. When you look through a night-vision device, you’ll see a green-colored image because that's how the technology processes the light that it captures.

These devices are often used by people who need to see things in the dark like soldiers, pilots, and night-time adventurers like hikers and campers. They allow people to see things that they would never be able to see in complete darkness, like those sneaky little night animals - the raccoons, foxes, and even bats!