ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nikah misyar

Nikah Misyar is a kind of marriage where the couple gets married with fewer rules than a normal marriage. It is not a new kind of marriage, but it was there in the Arabic world for a long time.

With Nikah Misyar, the couple agrees to get married but they don't need to live together or share their money. This means that they are married, but they don't have to obey all the rules of marriage that a regular marriage requires.

Some people prefer to do Nikah Misyar because it is easier for them to get married without a lot of responsibilities. For instance, it is popular among some people who have already been married before and want to avoid some of the challenges that come with a full-time marriage.

However, some people believe that Nikah Misyar is not a real marriage because it doesn't have all the traditional elements of a full-time marriage. It can be a bit confusing to understand, but it is simply a different kind of marriage where the couple has fewer responsibilities to each other.