ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nomadic empires

Hey kiddo! Have you ever heard of nomads? They're people who don't have a fixed home and move around with their animals in search of food and water. Well, a nomadic empire is when a group of nomads form a big group and conquers other lands to create an empire.

Think of it like playing with your toy animals! You have a bunch of toy horses, cows, and goats, which are like the animals the nomads have. Now, imagine you and your friends decide to join forces and play together. You all decide to create a big group with your toy animals and start exploring different parts of your room!

Now, let's say your big group of toy animals comes across a new part of your room where nobody has explored before. You and your friends decide to conquer this new territory and build a fort to protect yourselves. This fort becomes like the capital of your empire, a place where you can live and store all your toys.

And the best part is, since you and your friends have so many toy animals and work together as a team, you can easily beat other smaller groups of toys that try to take over your territory. This is how nomadic empires evolved, with different tribes joining forces and creating a powerful empire that can conquer new lands and rule over other groups of people.

So long story short, nomadic empires are groups of nomads who come together, create a big Empire, and conquer other territories to expand their power!