ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Eurasian nomads

Eurasian nomads were groups of people who traveled around with their herds of animals and did not have a permanent home. They lived in different parts of Europe and Asia a long time ago, between 3,000 BCE and 1,500 CE. Some of the well-known nomadic tribes were the Scythians, Huns, and Mongols.

Imagine if you had a bunch of cows, sheep, and horses and you moved from place to place with them, always looking for new grass and water for your animals to eat and drink. That's what Eurasian nomads did!

The nomads were very skilled at riding horses and other animals, hunting, and fighting. They were very strong and tough because of their lifestyle. They used their animals for transportation, food, and clothing.

The nomads didn't build houses or cities like other people did. Instead, they lived in tents made of animal skin, which could be easily packed up and taken with them when they moved.

Nomads were also excellent traders, because they had access to many different regions as they roamed around. They traded things like wool, furs, horses, and spices with other people they met on their travels.

At times, nomads came into contact with sedentary societies who had permanent settlements. They would raid towns and cities and take food, treasure, and people as captives. However, they also engaged in peaceful interactions with their settled neighbors.

The nomadic lifestyle began to decline as people started living in permanent settlements and building cities. Today, there aren't many groups of nomads that still exist, but you can still find some in places like Mongolia and parts of Africa.