ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non verbal communication

Non verbal communication means communicating without using any words. Instead of talking, people can use different body movements or facial expressions to communicate how they feel or what they want to say. Here are some examples:

- If someone is happy, they might smile and their eyes might sparkle.
- If someone is sad, they might frown, lower their head, and maybe even cry.
- If someone is angry or frustrated, they might have a tight jaw, furrowed eyebrows and intense eyes.
- If someone is confused, they might furrow their brow, scratch their head or shrug their shoulders.

Sometimes, non verbal communication can be more powerful than using words. If someone says "I'm fine" with a smile on their face, but their eyes are red and they seem sad, we might suspect that they are not really fine. We can also use non verbal communication to show empathy with someone. If we see that someone is upset, we might give them a hug, which shows that we understand how they feel.

Overall, non verbal communication is an important way that people communicate, both to express their own feelings and to understand how others are feeling.