ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Non-profit technology

Non-profit technology is like a superhero who helps people who are trying to make the world a better place. Just like how superheroes have special powers, non-profit technology has special tools and programs that help non-profit organizations do their important work.

Non-profit organizations are groups of people who want to help others, like giving food to hungry people, helping animals, or finding ways to cure diseases. But sometimes, these groups need help to stay organized and communicate with each other. That's where non-profit technology comes in.

Some of the special tools that non-profit technology provides are things like websites, databases, and social media platforms. These things help the people in the non-profit organization share information with each other and with people who want to help. For example, a website can show people what the non-profit organization does and how they can help, and a database can help keep track of all the people who have donated money or volunteered their time.

Non-profit technology also helps keep people safe when they use the internet. Just like how a superhero keeps people safe from bad guys, non-profit technology keeps people safe from things like hackers and scams. They do this by making sure that the websites and programs that non-profit organizations use are secure and protected from bad guys.

Overall, non-profit technology is like a superhero tool that makes it easier for people who want to help others. It helps non-profit organizations communicate, stay organized, and stay safe when they use technology. Thanks to non-profit technology, groups of people who want to make the world a better place can be even more effective and powerful!