ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, imagine you have a toy that you really like, it's your favorite. Now, imagine another kid comes over and wants to play with your toy but you don't want them to because you're playing with it right now. So, you don't give them the toy and you don't even acknowledge that they asked to play with it. That's kind of like non-recognition.

Non-recognition is when one country doesn't acknowledge or recognize another country as a real country. It's like when an older kid won't let a younger kid play with their toy because they don't think the younger kid is old enough to play with it. It's not very nice, but it happens.

Sometimes, countries don't recognize other countries because there are disagreements about borders or because of political or social differences. It's like if one kid doesn't like another kid because they have different interests or they don't get along.

Non-recognition can cause a lot of problems and create tension between countries. But, just like with the toy, sometimes you have to work things out and find a way to share or play together so everyone can be happy.