ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Norms of El Puig

Norms of El Puig are a set of rules that people who live or visit the town of El Puig in Spain are expected to follow. These rules are important because they help everyone get along and be happy.

One of the main norms of El Puig is to be respectful to others, which means being kind and polite to the people around you. This includes saying "please" and "thank you" when you speak to others and not interrupting them when they are speaking.

Another important norm in El Puig is to keep the town clean and tidy. This means not littering or leaving trash on the streets, and making sure to put garbage in the proper bins.

Additionally, it is important to follow the local laws and regulations in El Puig, such as not drinking alcohol in public and respecting the town's cultural heritage and history.

By following these norms and behaving properly, people can have a great time living in or visiting El Puig and contribute to a happy and harmonious community.