ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

North American SuperCorridor Coalition

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a highway? It's a big road that people can drive on to get from one place to another. The North American Supercorridor Coalition is a group of people who want to make a really big highway called the NAFTA Superhighway. NAFTA means the North American Free Trade Agreement which is a trade deal between Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

The NAFTA Superhighway would be super long and stretch from Mexico all the way up to Canada, so that it would make it easier for people to transport goods like food and products from one country to another. The goal is to make it faster and more efficient for people to get things from one place to another.

There are people who are excited about this idea because it would make trade between the three countries better and easier. But there are also people who are worried that building such a big highway could harm the environment and the communities that live nearby. So, they are still talking about it and figuring out if it is a good idea or not.