ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

North American monetary union

The North American Monetary Union is an idea where countries like Canada, the United States, and Mexico would join together to make one big group that uses the same type of money. Imagine playing in your sandbox with your friends and deciding to share your toys. That's what these countries would be doing: sharing their money.

When people go on vacation to another country, they need to exchange their money for the local currency. For example, if you were visiting Canada, you would need to switch your U.S. dollars for Canadian dollars. In a North American Monetary Union, you wouldn't need to do that because all three countries would use the same type of money. This would make it easier for people to travel and do business with each other.

However, making this happen would involve a lot of work! All three countries would need to agree on how much their money is worth compared to each other's. They would also need to agree on how to manage things like interest rates and inflation. This can be tough because each country has its own economy and financial system.

Some people think a North American Monetary Union could be a good thing, while others are not so sure. People are still talking about it and trying to figure out if it's a good idea or not.