ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, commonly known as NATO, is like a big club for countries that want to work together to keep each other safe. Just like how you have friends at school who help you feel safe and happy, NATO helps countries in Europe and North America feel safe and secure.

NATO was formed in 1949, after World War II, when Europe was trying to rebuild itself and also protect itself from any future wars. It started with 12 countries who agreed to help each other if any of them were attacked. Today, there are 30 countries in NATO.

One of the most important things about NATO is that its members promise to come to each other's aid if one of them gets attacked. It is like having a really big group of friends who will stand up for each other no matter what.

NATO also works to promote peace and stability around the world. Just like how your parents might teach you to share your things and be nice to others, NATO countries work together to help prevent conflicts and promote cooperation between countries.

Overall, NATO is like a really big team that works together to keep each other safe and happy. It's a club that countries join when they want to make sure they have strong friends who will always have their backs.