ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Northington v. State

Okay kiddo, let me explain Northington v. State like you're five years old. Northington v. State is a court case that happened a long time ago. It's like when you and your friend have a disagreement and you ask a grown-up to help you figure it out.

In this case, there was a man named Northington who got in trouble with the law. He was charged with a crime and ended up going to court. His lawyers argued that the way the law was written was not fair to him because it discriminated against him based on the color of his skin. This means that he believed that he was being treated differently because he was black.

The judges had to think about this and decide if he was right or wrong. They looked at the law and decided that it was not fair to treat people differently because of their race. They came to a decision that would help make things more equal between people, no matter what their race was.

In the end, Northington won the case and the law was changed to make sure that nobody could be treated unfairly because of their race. It was an important moment in history because it helped to make our country a more fair and just place.