ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Norwich Pharmacal order

So, let me explain to you what a "Norwich Pharmacal Order" means. Picture yourself playing hide and seek with your friends. Now, what if you couldn't find them because they weren't playing fair and hiding where they weren't supposed to be? That's where the Norwich Pharmacal Order comes in.

The Norwich Pharmacal Order helps someone find out who might have done something wrong or illegal, like breaking the rules of the game. It's like asking an adult for help in finding your friends.

But how does it work? Let's say someone has done something wrong, like breaking a law or causing harm to someone, but it's hard to find out who did it. The person who is trying to find out who did it can ask a court for a Norwich Pharmacal Order. The court will then help find out who might have been involved, like the adult helping you find your friends.

Once the court gives the order, the person or organization that may have information about who did it, like a bank or a company, has to give that information to the court. Just like how your friends have to come out of hiding and tell the adult where they were hiding.

So, the Norwich Pharmacal Order helps to uncover who did something wrong, just like how an adult helps you uncover where your friends are hiding.