ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Notation is a fancy word for how we write things down so that we can remember them or communicate with others. Just like how we have different ways of talking depending on who we are talking to, we also have different ways of writing things down depending on what we want to communicate.

For example, when you are first learning your letters and sounds, you might use a system called "phonetic notation." This means that you write down the sounds you hear in a word, like "cat" as "k-a-t." Or you might write the sounds for a whole sentence, like "I c-an r-e-aa-d" for "I can read."

As you get older and learn more complicated things, you might start using different notations. For example, in math, you might see numbers and symbols written in a specific way to show how to solve a problem. Or in music, you might see notes on a page that tell you which sound to make with an instrument or your voice.

Notation is all about finding the right way to write things down so that you can understand them and share them with others. So if you ever get confused about what a certain notation means, just remember that it's like a secret code for understanding something better.