ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Formal notation

Dear little friend,

Formal notation is like a special language that some people use to write down things in a very specific way. It's kind of like texting in emojis, but instead of using cute pictures, we use symbols and letters that have a certain meaning.

When we write in formal notation, we want to be very clear and precise so that everyone can understand what we mean. It's like having a secret code that only certain people can read, but instead of keeping it a secret, we use this code to explain things to each other.

It can seem really confusing at first, but once we learn what all the symbols mean and how to put them together, it becomes like second nature. Just like how we learn to read and write, we can learn to use formal notation too!

I hope that helps you understand a bit better. Let me know if you have any more questions!