ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Notification LED

Okay kiddo, do you see that little light on your device that blinks different colors? That's called a notification led. It's like a small signal your device sends out to let you know something important has happened, even when you're not looking at it.

Let's say you get a message but you're playing outside or don't want to check it right now. Your device will blink that little light to show you that you got a message without making any sound or interruption. It's like a secret code only you can understand, kind of like a secret handshake with your device.

Different colors can mean different things. For example, green can mean you have a new email, red can mean your battery is low, and blue can mean you have a missed call. So even if you don't want to check your device all the time, you can always know what's going on just by looking at the colors of the notification led.

It's a pretty cool and useful feature if you ask me, but always remember to ask your parents or guardian for permission before using any devices!