ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so a nue is a mythical creature that comes from Japanese folklore. It's basically a chimera, which means it has the parts of different animals mixed together to create a new creature.

Some stories say that the nue has the head of a monkey, the body of a tanuki (which is a kind of raccoon dog), the legs of a tiger, and the tail of a snake. Other stories say that it has the head of a monkey, the body of a bird, and the tail of a snake.

People believed that the nue was a bad omen and brought misfortune, so they would try to catch it or get rid of it. In one famous story, a warrior named Minamoto no Yorimasa had to battle a nue because it was causing illness and bad luck in the emperor's palace. He eventually defeated the creature with the help of his trusty bow and arrow.

So, just remember that a nue is a mythological creature with mixed animal parts that was believed to be bad luck in Japan.