ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Null device

Okay, let's imagine you have a box that's called a "computer". This computer has a special button you can press called the "delete" button that makes things disappear forever. Now, sometimes when you're using the computer, you don't want to actually delete anything, you just want to pretend like you're deleting something. That's where the "null device" comes in.

The null device is like a pretend button you can press instead of the delete button. When you press the null device, it acts like you're deleting something, but nothing actually gets deleted. It just goes into a pretend file that doesn't do anything.

So, let's say you accidentally clicked on a file and you don't really want to delete it. Instead of pressing the delete button, you can press the null device and it will make you feel like you deleted it, but the file will still be there safe and sound. Think of it like playing pretend with your toys, where you can act like you're doing something but nothing actually happens.

In summary, the null device is a pretend button you can press that looks like the delete button but doesn't actually delete anything. It's like playing pretend with your computer and pretending to delete something without actually doing it.