ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nullum tempus occurrit regi

"Nullum tempus occurrit regi" is a fancy Latin phrase that means "no time runs against the king".

So, let's break it down. "Nullum tempus" means "no time", so we're talking about the concept of time. "Occurrit" roughly means "happens against" or "runs against". Finally, "regi" means "king".

So when we put it together, we get something like "time cannot defeat the king".

Basically, it means that if someone is a ruler or king, they are above the law and don't have to worry about time limits on things like lawsuits or claims against them. So, imagine if you were playing a game with your friends and made a rule that you couldn't be eliminated no matter how much time had passed. That's kind of what this phrase is saying, but with real-life rulers instead of a fun game.