ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


OOPIC is a type of computer programming language that lets us create computer code by building little objects like Lego bricks. Each object has its own special powers and can do things by itself or work together with other objects to do bigger things.

Imagine you have a bunch of Lego bricks. Each Lego brick has its own unique shape and color. You can snap them together to build all sorts of things like houses, cars, and even robots. OOPIC is kind of like that. We have objects with their own unique properties that can be combined to create something bigger.

For example, let's say we have an object called "dog". The dog object has its own characteristics like its fur color, size, and whether or not it has a tail. We can tell the dog object to "bark" or "run" by writing some special code.

Now let's say we want to create a program that can play fetch with the dog object. We can create another object called "ball". The ball object also has its own properties like its color, size, and weight.

We can then write some code that tells the dog object to "fetch" the ball object. When the dog object runs the "fetch" command, it will go get the ball object and bring it back.

Overall, OOPIC lets us create computer programs by breaking down our ideas into little objects and then combining them to create something bigger and more complex.
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