ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

OPAL (software)

Opal is a type of software that is used to store and manage electronic medical records. It's like a big electronic filing cabinet for doctors and healthcare professionals to keep track of important information about patients, like their medical history, diagnoses, and treatments.

Just like in a regular filing cabinet, there are different folders or sections in Opal where doctors can organize different types of information about each patient. For example, there might be a section for lab results, another for X-rays or other imaging studies, and another for notes from doctor visits.

Opal is really helpful because it allows doctors and other healthcare professionals to easily access and share important information about a patient's health, even if they work at different hospitals or clinics. Instead of having to fax or mail paper records, they can just securely login to Opal and find the information they need.

Overall, Opal helps doctors provide better care for their patients by keeping all important medical information in one, easy-to-use place.