ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Obi (publishing)

Okay kiddo, so imagine you have a favorite book that you want to sell to other people so they can read it too. But instead of going to a big company to sell your book, you use something called "Obi publishing".

Obi publishing is kind of like having your own store where you can sell your book, but it's online. This means that people from all over the world can buy your book without you having to physically send it to them.

But how does this work? Well, first you need to make sure your book is in a digital format, like an ebook or a PDF. Then, you create an account with an Obi publishing website. This is like making an account on a website where you can buy things, like Amazon or Etsy.

Once you have your account set up, you upload your digital book to the website. This is kind of like sending an email with an attachment. The website will make sure your book is safe and secure, so nobody can steal it.

Then, you set a price for your book and people can buy it through the website. The website will take a small percentage of the money you make, but the rest goes to you!

So that's kind of what Obi publishing is all about. It's a way for people to publish their books online and sell them without having to go through a big company. It's like having your own store, except it's on the internet. Pretty cool, huh?