ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Object lifetime

Object lifetime refers to the time period during which an object exists in a computer program. Just like how people have lifetimes from birth to death, objects also have lifetimes that begin when they are created and end when they are destroyed.

Imagine you have a toy car, and you want to play with it. You create the toy car by putting together its different parts, such as the body, wheels, and axles. This is like creating an object in a computer program.

Once you start playing with the toy car, it has a lifetime. As long as you are playing with it, the car exists and can be used. But once you get bored or tired of playing with it, you might put it away or even break it. This is like destroying an object in a program.

In a computer program, objects are created by allocating memory to store them. This memory holds data and code that the object needs to function. Once an object is no longer needed, the memory it was using is freed up so that it can be used for other objects or operations.

The lifetime of an object can also be affected by other factors in a program. For example, if an object is used as part of a larger operation, it may exist only for the duration of that operation. Once the operation is complete, the object may be destroyed or its memory freed up.

Overall, understanding object lifetime is important in programming because it helps ensure that memory is being used efficiently and that objects are created and destroyed properly.