ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ocean Outcomes

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the ocean and what happens when things change in it.

The ocean is a big body of water that covers most of the Earth. It's home to lots of different creatures like fish, whales, dolphins, and even tiny plankton.

When we say "ocean outcomes," we're talking about what happens when things change in the ocean. Sometimes people do things that can affect the ocean, like polluting it with trash or chemicals. When this happens, it can cause some bad "outcomes" for the ocean and the creatures that live in it.

For example, if too much trash gets dumped into the ocean, it can make it harder for fish and other animals to survive. They might get tangled up in the trash or eat it by mistake, which can make them sick or even kill them.

Another example of ocean outcomes is something called "ocean acidification." This happens when too much carbon dioxide (CO2) gets absorbed into the ocean, making it more acidic. This can make it harder for creatures like corals and shellfish to build their homes, which can eventually lead to them dying off.

So, in general, when we talk about ocean outcomes, we're talking about what happens when we don't take care of the ocean and the things that live in it. We need to do our best to keep the ocean clean and healthy so that all the creatures that call it home can thrive.

Did that help you understand, kiddo?